Monday, January 28, 2013

This girl DON'T jump!!

In the midst of a hectic day, I got so many comments on my blog today and it really meant a lot to me...thanks everyone!

I am SURE you're wondering what in the world is this girl talking about in regards to this post title. When I started FIT camp, I came to my trainer with a list of things that I DO NOT do. These things included running, jogging, jumping, sit ups, running, jumping, jump rope, anything that involved too much movement....LOL!! But yes, I came with my own set of "rules" and I was dead set that I would not do those things. Well you can see how swearing not to do anything of those things would be impossible at a FIT (Boot) camp (lol...I mean really April??). So my trainer was like OK, we'll get you there.

One day I walk in to my session and on the white board I see box jumps. So I was thinking, BOX JUMPS?!?!? Didn't I tell this man that I don't jump! I remember getting to the point in the workout and just looking at my trainer like ummmm...sir. So he pulled this box over and said, "I want you to start here...
Sorry that it's a little blurry, but you get the point. I stood there and looked at the box for like 5 mins with literal tears in my eyes. At first he just wanted me to step up and down because I just looked at the box like I CANNOT jump on that. The thought of picking up my weight and putting it on an object was beyond what my mind could comprehend.

Well I EVENTUALLY got to jumping up on that little blue box (thank you Jesus! lol). And moved on to this box...
and now, I'm jumping on the box below...
What the point?? My list were the boundaries I had set FOR MYSELF. I can't, I won't, I could never see myself doing that! How many times have you heard those words in your head? Well, it's time to let go of those words, those boundaries and restrictions. Don't be afraid to take a leap into something new...something that's going to challenge you and get you out of your comfort zone.

Oh...did I mention that one of my "DO NOTs" was no running??? of today, I've ran 4 5K's...

You can do this!

Thanks for reading :)


  1. Well, well seems I've set the same boundaries you had set for yourself! Kudos to you on jumping, running, etc. I have yet to get there, but one day I hope I will!!

  2. I've decided that this post was for me. Exactly what I needed. I can relate so well to this mind-set. Lol

  3. Hahaha!!!I can actually hear you giving your "I don't do that" list. Way to Go!
