Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life Comes At You FAST.......

I fully planned to start talking about food today...because that's such a vital part of the journey, but I woke up with some stuff on my heart and wanted to share...

Sticking to your journey in spite of adversity is DIFFICULT...Adversity can come in different forms, but it is sure to come at some point. Let me share two that I've faced.

1. PEOPLE - People are stupid. Sorry, that's not nice LOL. But truthfully, people can say some really DUMB stuff! The same person that says to you, "You look like you're gaining some weight!" or "You could really stand to lose some weight!" is usually the same person to say, "Well aren't you looking skinny?" or "Don't get TOO skinny on us now!" Somebody say ANNOYING.COM!!! Don't allow yourself to get hung up on what people say or do! Stick to this journey FOR YOU....set your goals and work to accomplish them no matter what. This is with or without encouragement or reminders etc. When people say things that might discourage you, use it as fuel to get to where you are trying to go.

2. LIFE - yeah, this is vague but life comes at you fast. There are going to be so many things that comes at you that can throw you off track. It's not the getting off track that's the problem! It's the getting back on track that matters. Let me give you a very personal example. One of life's many curve balls can be a breakup...heart break. I can only speak from the viewpoint of a woman but I can imagine that men go thru this too. This happened to me last year. The relationship ended and I was DEVASTATED! I think I cried for a whole month straight...I mean everyday. When I normally go to FIT camp, it's a mental exercise for me as well and I literally like block out all other thoughts when I'm about to work out. I remember one day in particular and it was a BAD day...everything made me cry...I was highly emotional. I dragged myself to FIT camp in spite of but when I got there, I just couldn't do it. We started stretching and I started crying (lol...sounds so crazy to me now lol). I had to leave...couldn't do it. I left that night and went to the store and bought a pint of Blue Bell Pecan Pralines & Cream ice cream (yep! my fav). I got home and sobbed as I ate the entire pint. It was one of those days. BUT....I woke up the next day and looked at myself in the mirror with puffy eyes and had a nice talk with myself. I promised myself that the night before was the LAST time that happened to me. That day I went to FIT camp and did the DARN thing. Has tough times come since then???...YES! but I was/am determined to STAY ON TRACK!

The bottom line is that adversity will come...heart break, death, sickness, stress, work, etc. If you have a day, get up the next day, have a talk with yourself and get back on track.

I believe in you!

Thanks for reading :)


  1. This post made me cry because that is exactly how I felt and still feel from time to time. I printed this and posted on the wall beside my elliptical at home.


    1. Wow...thanks for your comments...if I'm only doing this for you, I will continue! Thanks so much...you can do this :)

  2. April! I absolutely love this post.. This is such truth and very encouraging seeing as how i'm experiencing my dose of life right now. Loving this blog :)

  3. Enough said :) Thanks for sharing this.....
