Monday, January 14, 2013

Goals...HUH....what is it good for? Absolutely EVERYTHING!!!

Hey...did ya'll think I forgot about you??? Well truth is, I have A LOT going on. I work full-time and I'm a full-time student pursuing my MBA with a concentration in Accounting and I sing and I try to have a life.....AND I WORK OUT!!!! So yeah...I'm juggling many things but I promise to only take a few days off a week and then I'll be here to share more of my journey....

Ok, so you're probably trying to figure out what the heck I meant by my post title. Today, I wanted to talk about GOALS. More importantly, talk about REALISTIC goals. When people decide they want to lose weight, they tend to think that after two days of working out, they should have lost AT LEAST 10 pounds....ummm, you didn't gain 10 pounds in two days, how do you expect to lose them so fast (LOL)? Amen. So, one of the most important things to do when you start your journey is to set realistic goals. This is one of the reasons that having a trainer can help you. They are educated on how to set realistic goals and then push you to keep on track to achieve them. However, if you are setting out on this journey alone, keep certain things in mind. 

1. Start small and work your way up - it's said that the healthiest way to lose weight is to lose about 1-2 pounds per week. Start there! Can't get through an hour workout? Start with 20 minutes of intense activity and then work your way up!
2. Once you meet one goal, set another one. Don't let significant time lapse between your goals; keep the momentum going!
3. Stay on track! Don't deviate from the plan. When you find something that works for you, keep doing it. While you may need to mix it up a little bit (to break the monotony), stay the course! If you do something for 21 days or more, it becomes a habit and that's what you want this to become.
4. Don't make goals based around events. For example, I'm going on a diet to get ready for my cruise in April. Well, that doesn't work because what happens AFTER April?? Remember you are making a LIFE make your goals accordingly.

I think you get the point. Realistic goals are EVERYTHING to this journey. It can make or break your progress.

Let me give you an example of my own goal. So I told you in my third post my weight and measurements at the start of my FIT camp experience. This is where I am now:

Weight: 216
Waist: 34
Hip: 42

Pretty big difference right??? Well, it is to me! Hunny, I am proud of MYSELF!! :) I've done this with just good ole good eating and magic pills or shakes etc. I share that with you so you can understand why I call this a journey. I'm taking it I can condition my brain to KEEP the weight off. I've talked to my trainer about what I want to work on this year, but my main goal is this: 12/31/13 - weight: 175!! That's kind of scary to me seeing that I can't remember the last time I was that weight, but I have a WHOLE year to get there :)

Are you willing to share some of your goals for 2013? Comment below!

Thanks for reading :)


  1. I love this post! The title is so cute!

    You absolutely should be proud of yourself, that is a huge difference! I've been trying to lose just 10-15 lbs all of last year, and couldn't do it all because I was lazy. I got a good head start this year because I committed to the church fast and lost 8 and a half pounds. But I know it won't last unless I eat better and exercise once I start to eat again.

    Thanks for the motivating posts :) I'll be rooting for you to make your 175 goal! You can do it!

  2. You can do it! I always thought I wouldn't be able to lose 10lbs, it felt far-fetched. Took a lot of work & support from my hubby, but just by eating right the first month, no exercise whatsoever, I lost my first 10 & I felt I can do this! But, as you so best said my goal after that wasn't realistic at all :( Now I'm wiser and taking it in strides, I haven't gotten to my desired weight yet but I'll get there :) Keep it up sis! Looking forward to you hitting that 175 :)

    1. Hey Kanece - thanks for the encouragement. I should probably mention that I'm at 213 now...well on my way to that 175. You can do it! keep up the good work.

    2. Wonderful!! You're doing great!!

      When I started I weighed 198 and made it to down to 173. I hope to keep going down even though, thinking of your other post, some folks have told me don't lose anymore smh I am of course ignoring them, I'm doing this for me! NOT them ;)

  3. I am glad I found your blog. Right now my goal is to be at 160lbs by 12/31/13. So far it's been 2 weeks and I've lost 2lbs. I gained an average of about 8lbs a year so I am not too concerned if the numbers don't go down as fast as I want them to :) Thanks for the motivation and encouragement.

    1. Welcome MsKay...thanks for your comment. Keep up the great work!!
