Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tell me what you think...

So tonight's post is simple...

Let me know what you think about this blog. Please comment below. 

This is the 10th post and I want to know if it's something I should continue...

Let me know your thoughts...

Have an EXCELLENT weekend folks :)


  1. Yes you should continue! I read all 9 post tonight lol! but I was able to literally take notes from it so I definitely think you should continue :)

    1. Lol...well thanks catching up...thanks for your feedback!!

  2. Yes, you should continue! I love your motivational topics, Godly references, genuine humor, and most of all your transparency!

    Also, I find blogging is another way to be accountable. When you have people who depend on you through your posts, you feel motivated to conitnue to pursue your goals!

    So, yes. Keep blogging! That is all :)

    1. Thanks Typh. You know how it see the numbers on the stats page but are people really reading? Are they really getting something from what you're saying? But, I'm going to keep at it. Thanks for commenting!

  3. I just discovered your blog and I have to agree that you should keep at it! You never know who you're inspiring but be assured you can always remember that you're inspiring me :) Not everyone has a desire to blog or has the talent to write in such a way that captivates a reader, you my friend, have me laughing, smiling, hmmmmming, awwwwwing, pondering, etc. You have provoked me to think and remain devoted.....

  4. Hi April. If you enjoy sharing your journey, I think you should absolutely, unequivocally continue to blog People might not always get an opportunity to comment, but they'll read it and be inspired.

    Blogging is extremely cathartic for me. I love it. In the beginning I didn't care if people read it or commented, but I did it because I enjoy it. All of a sudden over the last couple of months my readership have quadrupled and I'm not only getting encouraging email messages, but invites to guest post and be featured.

    Keep at it girl. You never know how far reaching something you say today can impact lives tomorrow. Blessings.

  5. Definitely keep posting. There are times when I am unable to comment as someone mentioned before but I am constantly reading and keeping up with your post. Also, if its ok with you I will post some of the info on my Fb so that others can know about it. I know of a few ppl that would benefit from your blog! Keep up the great work! Be blessed!

    1. Thanks Kasey! Feel free to share with everyone! I appreciate that...
