Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I almost gave up!

Hey there! I know I've been MIA for a few days but my life is...!!!!! No words...lol. I told you before I'm working on my Masters. Well I'm taking 2 classes every 8 weeks...this set of classes consists of Business Economics (for the BIRDS!!!!!) and Marketing Management. The Marketing class is not that bad but the Economics class can go kick rocks!! LOL...and work is busy...chile...amen.

I honestly said to myself while driving home from Praise Team rehearsal tonight, I'm not gonna write a blog post tonight...ain't no one missing it lol...plus I just wanted to eat a little something, watch a little CSI: Miami and go to sleep. But then I got a message from a reader (S/O to Kasey Carlton!!!!) and I was motivated to get back on it....God works in deliberate ways!

So what helps you get started and then STAY on it? Sheer will power? Fear? Encouragement from others? Honestly, there's no secret to getting started and holding steady. For me, it took me making a mental decision that my life HAD to change. I literally had to block everyone else out...not listen to the voice in my head that told me that I could start again tomorrow...block out the pain and determine that it was time to not just talk but DO.

What will it take for you? Will it be a bad report from the doctor telling you that if you don't lose weight, you'll have high blood pressure and diabetes? Will it be the day that you're trying to run up the stairs and can't breathe after flight #1? Will it be the day that you can't keep up to play with your children, your nieces or nephews, your godchildren? Ask yourself...WHAT WILL IT TAKE??? Once you can answer that question, THEN and only THEN will you be ready to get started and stay on your journey...if it helps print the answer out and hang it somewhere that you will see everyday as a constant reminder.

Will you do me a favor? Post a comment below to help your fellow sojourners especially Kasey...she needs some encouragement :)

Kasey, you can do it! We believe in you!


  1. Hi folks!
    When my mother needed an emergency amputation, that was what it took for me. When I sat in the doctor's office with her and what the fear inner eyes because she knew her life would never be the same again, I told myself NEVER to me or my future children. I had started to get fit but there was no motivation or push behind it until then. Often times I have pondered canceling training sessions and just going home. However, when I remember that when I go home I have to take care of my mom I am reminded of the situation and I push forward. It's never easy but with a strong support system, lots of will power, and just the thought of knowing that there are so many people out there just like me who are pushing to do it and getting it done is enough for me.
    Kasey & everyone else who is reading YOU CAN & YOU WILL DO IT!!!! Stay focused & take it one step at a time. You have to crawl before you walk! Hey, I'm crawling now but I know one day when I least expect it, I'm going to wow myself and walk! Go girl!!!!

    1. Please forgive the spelling and grammatical errors. My ipad was acting crazy.

  2. "God works in deliberate ways..." LOVE THAT!

  3. My father has had diabetes from before I was born, but he lived with it and seemed to be doing well despite the challenges. Then came the numerous doctor appointments for his eyes (until he completely lost his vision due to glaucoma), then the circulation problem in his feet. I was there with him months before taking him to most of his appointments while they tried to save one toe. I still remember perfectly the day I got the call he'd be doing the surgery to remove not the one toe they were trying to save, but all 5 toes....I cried until it felt like there were no tears left. To add more to the mix, after his amputation, he had congestive heart failure. That was my turning point. I decided like Sweet Sentiments that I refuse to take that path.

    Sometimes I feel a little guilty thinking it took my dad's ailment for me to make a conscious decision to change. In fact, I was very leery in even sharing that with people so thanks for sharing Sweet Sentiments :) Support does make the journey a little easier knowing there are others out there on the same journey. Together we, April, Kasey, Sweet Sentiments.....will do it!!! :D

    1. WOW!!! Thanks for sharing that Kanece...don't feel guilty. My turning point was when I was sitting in the Dr's office with my dad too...his blood sugar was over 700 and we didn't even know he had diabetes. It took almost a week to get it down. That was when we lived down there in FL. Whatever it takes!!

      I appreciate you sharing that...BTW, Sweet Sentiments is Rochelle Reynolds!! So keep her on track locally too :)

    2. :) Whatever it takes!!!

      I'll try to keep Rochelle on tracks :)

  4. Wow, I dont know why I am just reading this. I am sitting at my desk near tears because I so needed this today. You have no idea just how on time this is. I just watched the documentary Fat Sick and nearly dead and love the idea of juicing, if you havent seen it, its avail on Netflix. Im not sure what my turning point was because to be honest i have had several "so called" turning points but with positive reinforcements and positive attitude I really believe is it! we had a health screening at work and it opened my eyes to a lot, since then I've made a conscience decision to make healthier choices, one step at a time. April thanks so much, and just know that you are making a difference! :-)

    1. awwwwww...Kasey!! Thanks girl. I'm rooting for you...keep going...you can do this!
