Friday, January 11, 2013

FIT Camp: Day One

I would like to affectionately call FIT camp day one HELL day. Yep it was THAT serious! I admit that I was scared and highly emotional. I mean I was doing something that I hadn't done in years. Plus I was going to be working out with other people. That was something I swore I would not do...I STILL to this day have a strong dislike for the gym. Anywho, I drove to this gym with butterflies in my stomach...extremely anxious and scared. The thoughts going thru my head were a little ridiculous but I had already made a commitment to be there so I went on my merry little way....

**Touch your neighbor and say DISASTER!!!!** (sorry, that was a little churchy lol). But while I can't exactly remember what the workout was that day, I can remember that I only got thru 25 minutes of it. Keep in mind that this was a 1 hour class. 25 minutes in I was sitting on the sidelines shaking like a leaf, nauseated beyond belief, and EXTREMELY embarrassed. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. I mean all of the people at the camp were older than me and were BEASTIN and I was sitting here with my 28 year old self shaking and about to pass out. My trainer was uber supportive but I was NOT IN THE MOOD!!!! Did I mention I was emotional??? So afterwards, he gave me a pat on the back and said I did great and I gave him one of my typical April looks ((((((MAJOR SIDE EYE)))) and hobbled out to the car.

(Me & my trainer, Milton, at my 3rd 5K)

I drove home teary eyed and when I pulled up, I regretted the day I decided to live on the second floor of my apartment building. I couldn't imagine walking up two flights of stairs. So I text my trainer and asked him why in God's name I was so nauseous and he called me back immediately to tell me it was normal. I sat in my car for an hour! I BAWLED and then took a short nap (lol)!!! It was brutal but I was determined....and the item below became my BEST friend for the next week....

How was your first workout experience? Leave a comment below.


  1. My first workout experience was this week. I have had multiple gym memberships but just like you I dislike the gym a lot. I would often drive to the gym and if seemed full I would go right back home. I abhor floor exercises and I dislike running. I told myself I would try one last time. I signed up for my final gym membership and not long after a rep called me and said come in for a free week of training sessions. I said this is cool but it can't be that bad. WRONG! Everything I hated was eevrything we did and then some. That was only in the first 15 minutes. I only lasted 20 mins and I was in so much pain. I could not stop crying. I mostly cried from the embarrassment of people at the gym looking at me fail. After that session I cried so much, not just from the pain but from the emotional place it took me to. The next day I was contemplating canceling my session. However, I reached out to you and you told me your story and so I was like let me try again. I went in and I could only do 30 mins. I cried so much, I was tested, I was pushed but when I left I felt great! I had a lot more energy and I knew I was on my way to become healthier.
    I went home and got on the scale. After two sessions I lost 5 pounds. The next day the trainer said we were going to aim for 40 mins today. He said I brought you a box of tissues, a lot of encouragement, and we will complete it together. I'm very happy to say I made it to 40 mins with minimal tears, lots of pain, and half the gym rooting for me. At the end of my session the entire cardio area was clapping & whistling when the timer went off. Of course big baby me cried. Some of the people there told me that I should keep pushing and keep coming. I signed up with the trainer and we have set a goal that by my 25th birthday this May I should be at least 20 pounds lighter, have lost 3 inches on my waist, and we signed me up for a 5k (he said its ok to walk to first one but we are aiming to run it).. I am hoping to exceed this expectation.


  2. Rochelle! I'm giving you a standing O all the way from Charlotte! I'm extremely proud of you. There are always going to be reasons to give up but YOU CAN DO IT!!! I hope I can be here to encourage you through good and bad times (cause the bad times will come!!). Thanks for commenting!

    Friends, comment below and let's encourage Rochelle...also, feel free to leave your own day one story :)

  3. Congrats on the blog sis! Very proud of you... Looking good :)

  4. I just discovered your blog and I gotta say I'm encouraged. I too have been on a journey to live a healthier life and it has NOT been easy. I commend you for sharing your story. Already I've been inspired. Keep it up sis!
