Monday, February 18, 2013

To eat or not to eat...that is the question...

Hey there...hope you're doing well.

So I wanted to write a little about eating and the importance of eating. Eating to lose...sounds crazy right? Well, it's not. Many people think that in order to lose weight, you have to stop eating or eat much less. That is not entirely true so it is important to understand how food plays a part in living a healthier life.

Did I have to start eating less to start losing weight? Absolutely! But I had to start eating less in regards to the amount of calories that I was eating. When I first started, I had the same mindset of eating nothing and that would be what I needed to do to lose weight. I quickly found out that was the wrong mindset. Eating less food actually slowed down my metabolism and didn't provide me the fuel I needed to workout and build lean muscle. In addition to that, I would get halfway through my workout and be dead tired. My body didn't have any fuel to continue.

Here's what I had to learn...I HAVE TO EAT! However, food has become more of my fuel than just something I do to appease my bad feelings. There are times that I have to eat something that I may not particularly fancy if I know that it will keep me full and satisfied. For example, I eat eggs but I don't particularly like eggs unless they are smothered in cheese and mixed with onions and bell pepper lol.

Here's a typical meal day for me:

Breakfast (usually around 9-9:30am)
Met-Rx protein shake (1 scoop with water) (SN: this protein shake is 96% lactose free which really helps me because anything with too much lactose tears my stomach into pieces! lol)

2 eggs scrambled with cheese
Hot Green Tea with Honey

Snack (11:30am)
1/2 bag of Trader Joe's handful of nuts trail mix

 Lunch (1-2pm)
Garden Salad with Grilled Chicken Breast
No dressing (olive oil & balsamic vinegar only)
Diet Green Tea with Citrus (contains no high fructose corn syrup or aspartame)

Snack (3:30-4pm)
Trader Joes Strawberry Greek Yogurt (HIGH protein!!)

Dinner (7-8pm)
Pan Seared Lemon Pepper Tilapia
Brussel Sprouts (typical serving is 8 sprouts)

Throughout the day, I also drink 64oz of water. On the days that workout, I add in another protein shake 30 mins before my workout and immediately after. Remember that I eat all of this and still only eat between 1500-1600 calories a day.

Now this is just an example, I don't eat this clean EVERY day...I'm getting there. Some days I may want a little piece of candy or I may eat a chicken salad flatbread sandwich on Thursdays lol. I more wanted you to see how often I eat...THAT is what is important!

Hope this helps...

Thanks for reading :)


  1. Good for you April. Eating more of the right foods to fuel our body is what's important. Great reminder.

  2. I love this post. My trainer has been really getting on me about my eating habits. The problem was not the actually eating but it's what I'm eating. I'm glad you gave a typical meal because it now gives me an idea of what to eat. I also have to try and stay within a calorie limit (the MOST difficult thing ever). I fell off with nutrition but I am back and ready to give it another go. Great post!
