Monday, February 11, 2013


Hey there folks...

How's it going? Are you still sticking to your goals? Facing a hard time? Hit me up if you need some encouragement, I'm here for you!

I wanted to talk a little tonight about sodium. I said sodi-yum because truth be told most of the foods that I truly enjoy are particularly high in sodium. Potato chips, movie butter popcorn, salt, pretzels and chocolate covered pretzels (lol), and the list goes on and on. Most processed foods are LOADED with sodium. Years ago I decided I was going to be a vegetarian but eventually added fish, and then chicken, and then turkey back into my diet. No beef or's been about 5 years now. Unfortunately, turkey is LOADED with sodium. Turkey meaning like turkey sandwich meat or turkey sausage. Additionally, most foods that contain a lot of preservatives also have high sodium.

My journey has consisted of me watching my calories but I wasn't really paying attention to my sodium intake. The recommended amount of sodium per day is 2,500mg. I was at a major plateau and so I talked to my trainer and he recommended for me to start taking note of my sodium intake. It was THRU THE ROOF!!!! I couldn't believe it. So I started looking at my food diary and realized that the turkey or turkey sausage that I was putting my morning omelette was HIGH in sodium. And hey, I'm a single girl...I don't ALWAYS feel like cooking so I would eat out a lot. Fast food is a DEATH TRAP. Even if you choose the "healthier option," more than likely, it will be loaded with sodium. Don't get me wrong, I still eat out every now and then, but I've had to cut that WAYYYYYY down. Yep, I started actually grocery shopping and cooking dinner every day. It takes me like an hour to grocery shop now because I have to read every label lol.

I know this seems laborious, but I was surprised with the weight loss that I experienced when I reduced my sodium intake. This was hard for me...I like well seasoned food but this was important to accomplish my goals.

I encourage you to start paying attention to these little things and don't be surprised when your body starts responding positively. I'll share more about these types of things in the future.

Thanks for reading :)


  1. I have a question... Are you supposed to exercise when you're fasting? I've been on a fast since the beginning of the year, and I haven't exercised since *ahem* (whispers) the beginning of the year... I feel guilty though. But I feel like if I were to exercise, I'd pass out. My fast ends on Friday, so I'll start back up again soon, but I'm asking for when I fast again in the future. Any suggestions?

    1. Great question! If you're doing a continual fast, exercise will be difficult. I would suggest supplementing your food intake with a protein shake like a protein powder in water. If you're not allowed to eat, I would suggest for you to do something light like maybe a 15-30 min walk or some light exercises at home just to give your body a little physical activity. Hope that helps Typh!

      Thanks for reading :)
