Friday, February 22, 2013

This One is for YOU!!!!

I meant to write this yesterday, but I wanted to dedicate this post to my pops! Many times I have talked about how my dad's health problems have been a catalyst for starting and walking out this health and wellness journey.

Truth be told, he has been on his own journey having to lose weight because of his diabetes diagnosis several years ago. He is my biggest cheerleader and a strong support to this journey. My dad has ALWAYS said I was beautiful...even when I was at my heaviest. His love has been unconditional and besides God, He and mom are the reasons that I am still alive and kicking (trust me!).

Anyways, when he came to North Carolina almost 5 years ago, he weighed in at 285 pounds. Yesterday morning (early lol) my phone rang and it was my dad. I got nervous cause he doesn't call me in the morning!!! Anywho, he called to tell me that he had weighed in at 248 pounds that morning. He (and I) were SOOOOOOOO happy. He cried...I didn't (on the phone) lol. He hadn't weighed under 250 pounds since in the early 90s. Preaching all over the country and the world, a heart attack, diabetes diagnosis, two knee surgeries, and a few moves have that kind of effect on you.

Well this blog is dedicated to you POPS!! I'm PROUD of you! Keep're doing great.

Here's some old pics of've come a LONNNNGGGGG way!

My Birthday - 2010
Me today

Las Vegas 2008
NC 2009 - Being silly lol

My Graduation 2012
My handsome daddy


  1. Awww. So sweet! Congratulations "Pops"! You both look AMAZING! This is my theme scripture for my practice since day 1.

    Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in (good)health, even as thy soul prospereth.(3Jn1:2)

    With the changes that you guys have made, I think this is the theme of your life. May God continue to prosper you!

    1. Definitely one of my favorite scriptures!!!! Thanks so much Hope....

      BTW, he's not too fond of me calling him pops lol....but I like it!!! Lol

  2. You both look great!!! Congrats to both of you!

  3. Beautiful!!! Insipiring!! Congratulations to you both!!
