Monday, February 4, 2013

But I don't WANNA!!!!

Hey my friends! Hope you're doing well and sticking to your journey. Take it day by day!

So when was the last time you said, "BUT I DON'T WANNA!!!" Well you may not have said it out loud, but maybe in your head??? LOL! I admit that I LOVE really love food. I talked about before how food used to be a comfort for me, but I generally love food....especially nicely seasoned food...ANYWAYS>>>>MOVE ON APRIL LOL.

My trainer made me start writing down my daily food intake and I realized I was eating TOO MUCH food! So now I've gotten to point that I can eat between 1600-1800 calories a day and be fully satisfied. Going from eating 3500 calories per day to 1600 a day is a huge difference. BUT every now and then, my mind says "BUT I DON'T WANNA!!!!"

It seems like right when I had gotten the calories down, now my trainer wanted to add something else that I had to watch. Now that I was staying below my calorie count per day, I never realized how much sodium I was eating...this past Saturday my trainer sat me down AGAIN and started talking about my food intake (and scrutinizing my MyFitness Pal diary lol) and I'll be honest and say that I got really frustrated and started crying. I mean, I'm working hard over here and it seems like it isn't enough. But, truth is folks, it was necessary. I had to take a look at my current eating habits and make sure it lined up with my goals.

So I want to encourage you with this...plateaus will come...there will be times when you have to refocus and regroup. It may feel like a swift kick in the rear, but sometimes a kick is necessary!

When you get a chance, check out my friend Hope Reid's blog talking about trans fat! GREAT INFO!!! Click here to check it out!

Thanks for reading :)

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