Saturday, February 9, 2013

Little Changes, Big Results

It's been 5 days. I'm so sorry. I guess time just got away from me. Seeing that I'm wide awake, I thought I should definitely blog so here I am...1:48 am...writing to you.

Have you ever noticed that change is one of the hardest things to do? People say, well, I'm set in my ways...but the truth is, we all don't really like change. Some just handle it better than others. I actually don't mind it too long as I am the one initiating the change lol. Try to force change on me and I get mad stubborn lol. So I talked to you about my 12/31/13 goal, and although I know we just crossed February, I started to get frustrated because I didn't see the scale changing. Now, I've had to change my relationship with the scale too. I don't step on it as often as I used to and when I do I understand what the scale is saying to me now. Remember that the scale can't differentiate between fat, muscle, and bone. So when you step on the scale, it is measuring you in your entirety. Anywho, I was all bent out of shape and I went to my trainer to confront him on why his methods weren't working (BOLD!!!! Lol) I had continually told him that I would never let him look at my calorie diary because I didn't want him dictating every little thing I put in my mouth. Well, he asked me to see it and reluctantly I did.

Now let me be real. I said to him (in tears), I'm doing the best I can and I'm getting nowhere. I found out later that day why I felt that way AND why I was crying (ladies, you can probably put two and two together lol lol...I was highly emotional). So he started critiquing my diary...all I heard was you can't, can't, can' I left there like HUMPH!!!! Ok, I'll do it but I don't want to!!! Well, it's been a week and I've dropped 5 pounds!!!! I couldn't admit that he was right, so I just texted him and said, "I guess you know what you're doing!" Lol.

The point is, sometimes you have to make a little change to see big results. For some, it will seem like you're jumping off the ledge, but if that is what you need to do to get the results you desire, DO IT! Mine consisted of reducing my carb intake...I was eating too much carbs....and increasing my protein. I can definitely tell the difference already.

Don't be afraid to take a leap, a jump, or even a step towards big results. You'll be glad you did.

I believe in you!

Thanks for reading!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your continued success. Change is not always easy, but the right change is definitely worth it. Great post April.
