Saturday, May 25, 2013

Taking a short break...

Hey readers!

For sure you probably think that I've forgotten about you right? Well I haven't!!! But....I'm going to take a short break from the blog until I after graduate on June 28th! I think I will then have more time to dedicate to bringing you more frequent, relevant posts that you can use on this here journey of yours.

I fully expect you to keep up the good work! Feel free to reach out to me on social media if you need a little encouragement over the next 5 or so weeks.

One small shout out! (lol). As you know, I was participating in our FIT camp fitness challenge. Even though I didn't win, one of my good friends (and readers) CONGRATS CENTRELL JACKSON!! I'm super duper proud of you. Post your stats below if you are comfortable! I was able to lose 6 pounds and 1% of body fat in that 8 week period and I'm happy about that! Additionally, Rochelle (another reader and Florida fitness challenge participant) also lost A LOT of weight and inches. I can't remember the exact numbers, but Chelle feel free to comment below if you want to share your accomplishment! I am SUPER DUPER proud of you too! Keep up the GREAT work!

With that said...I'm signing off for a few weeks....we shall chat again soon :)

And as always....thanks for reading :)


  1. Hey .. Hey .. Hey .. Its almost one year unuh!! Dats no SHORT break .. SIgh

    Come back April .. Come April!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
