Saturday, April 13, 2013


So I asked one my faithful readers to write a post based on her journey thus far....ENJOY!!!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein

I hope everyone is losing pounds & inches with the fitness challenge. Recently, I hit a plateau and the scale stopped moving. The inches were coming off but the scale decided that it was not going to budge. If this is the case with you, then be not dismayed.
In any fitness regimen there comes a time when you hit a plateau. Hitting a plateau can make one think that they are just coasting or that their efforts are not enough. 
Avoiding a plateau/overcoming a plateau:
  1. Stop doing the same exercises each time you work out. Switch it up! If you keep doing the same exercises each time then your body will adapt.
  2. Increase your intensity. This is especially true for the strength training portion of any workout. A simple tip my trainer gave me was for the first set try the lowest you can lift and gradually increase it with each rep.
  3. REST! Give your body a chance to recover from your workout. Two days of rest can make a huge difference in any workout.
Never give up and don’t allow a lack of progress frustrate you. Any little changes keeps the body challenged.
Happy exercising!  You can do it!

1 comment:

  1. Good info Rochelle. I recently hit a plateau with running. I started doing more cross training, running shorter, but more intense distances and I've seen the difference its made.
