Friday, March 29, 2013

Being your BIGGEST cheerleader!

Sometimes I used to wonder why a football or basketball team needed cheerleaders. Or why was it necessary to build these big venues for thousands of people to come to just to see someone run up and down the court or drive around in a huge circle in a fast car. The truth is, things seem to be a little easier when you have someone supporting you and cheering you on.

I've never been someone who could really play any type of sport...just not my forte lol. But I could ALWAYS cheer you on from the sideline. There's something about someone sitting on the side saying "GO YOU!!" that just motivates you to do more...

Then it comes to working out...and for different ball game! LOL...I LOATHE going to gym at the risk that someone may be watching me. I mean what is that??? I still to this day don't really like going to the gym, but that's another post for another day (hehehe).

When I hired my trainer and started going to FIT camp...I would always feel better when my trainer was there cheering me on...and he's pretty good at it too lol. But then the UNHEARD of happen....he decided to go on vacation. I mean how could he do that to me??!?!?!?! (ummm...dramatic much??) Anyways, he left some exercises for me to do and what not but when I stepped into that little gym at my apartment complex, I was like....ummm...who's gonna cheer me on to get through this workout??? I need some MOTIVATION folks!

It was in that moment that I learned a very valuable lesson. I had to be my OWN cheerleader! No relying on the encouragement of others to do what I needed to do. Now when I work out, I literally ZONE OUT and in my head I say "Come on got this" "Ok, 2 more rounds" "Faster April, Faster!!" I've  learned how to push overcome my own limitations. Because of this, I am now able to work out on my own and keep motivated for this journey.

You can do this (say it to yourself!!)

Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Keep on truckin....

So I had a few people who joined in the fitness challenge with me! YAAY YOU!!! I'm proud of you...

I hope you are still motivated and you are ready to bust out these next 7 weeks. I fully expect for you to see results in your body and your mind...

Comment below and let me know how it's going :)

Friday, March 22, 2013


Hey my friends!

I wanted to find out if you all would be interested in joining in my challenge with me...

Our FIT camp is starting a fitness challenge on Monday, March 25th. We are working out like normal and eating properly and seeing who loses the most weight and inches in 8 weeks. Nothing drastic or out of the ordinary...just a strong commitment to change...

Can you do it? Are you with me?

I may throw in a little prize at the end as an incentive.

Come on...lets DO THIS!!!

If you want to join in, comment below and then send me your starting weight and your waist measurement (have someone else do needs to be a tight measurement at your belly button with your hands by your side). Send to me at

I hope you'll join me :)

Thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Out with the with the New!

Hey ya'll...

Just wanted to quickly talk a little about letting go of the old and embracing the new. As you begin your weight loss journey, you will OBVIOUSLY start to need new clothes. Now for someone like me who doesn't like shopping all that much but LOVES new clothes (lol...go figure), this won't be a hard thing for you. But I used to hold on to old clothes FOREVER!!! One day I wore some pants to work and someone came up to me and said, "Ummmm...those don't fit you should probably get rid of them!" LOL.

You know how we are..."these are my fat clothes and I'll hold on to them JUST IN CASE." In my opinion, HUGE mistake. You are setting up yourself for failure (again, my opinion). Why have a contingency plan for giving up your journey? Don't do it to yourself. When clothes start to get too big, weed them out of your closet. If you don't want to throw them away right away, bag them up and put them in the garage or the attic.

I've talked before about getting your mind right...this may seem like a small thing, but it's another way to get your mind on board for the long term. Every time I looked at those bags (that sat in my room for a few months lol), I reminded myself that I will NEVER go back there.

Try it...let me know if it works for you...

Thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Playing Catch Up....

Been a little over a week since I last posted. In that time I've been in Texas, gained a new nephew, finished two classes and started two new classes. Life NEVER slows is in constant motion. My goal is to always try to enjoy every single moment while it is happening so that I can remember how I felt and what it was like to be there.

Anywho, had a reader ask me a question that I thought could be relevant to others so I asked permission to write a post about it....and here it is! LOL.

If you have ever gained a significant amount of weight, you can probably attest to the fact that it can be life altering. I don't mean like you gained 3 pounds (lol)...I mean like a significant amount of weight...let's say at least 10+ pounds. Gaining weight can severely affect your self-esteem, your body image, and most importantly your confidence. You know how people always say, "I finally feel great in my own skin!" Yeah, that "feeling" can be seriously combated when you add 10+ pounds to that skin. You begin to feel self-conscious and paranoid in some cases. Some people deal with it in different ways. Some choose to continue to wear the same sizes that they once wore to try and "appear" to look that same weight (FAIL) and some choose to wear baggier clothes to try and hide their weight gain (FAIL!!! lol). Either way, it can be ROUGH!! But eventually you get used to it right?? You start to accept the fact that you're a little heavier and if you're smart, you buy clothes that fit (HOPEFULLY) and start to work around the weight gain.

But then you decide that you don't want to work around your weight gain anymore and start to lose weight...and you start to feel a little weird. I mean being thinner and healthier was always the goal, but now your body just seems off. Well, it's not uncommon. I think I've talked before about getting your mind right....well, here's another hurdle for your brain!! LOL. Accepting that your body is changing. Just like it took time for you to accept being heavier, it may take a minute for your mind to catch up with the fact that you are are a leaner you. The important thing is to EMBRACE it!!!!!!! You are working HARD...don't you deserve to accept this new you?? Learn to take the compliments and the double takes (yes, Lord lol)! That just means you're putting in the work and it shows. People from the outside will most likely notice faster than you do. When people see me and say, "ARE YOU LOSING WEIGHT????" my first reaction (in my mind) is HECK YES!!! LOL....but I'll just say yes, yes, I am. The next question is usually, "What are you doing?" My response to that question is..."I'm working my butt off.....LITERALLY!!" 

You've got to help your mind play catch up....know that you are making strides and help your mind get on board...

You CAN do this!

Thanks for reading :)