Saturday, May 25, 2013

Taking a short break...

Hey readers!

For sure you probably think that I've forgotten about you right? Well I haven't!!! But....I'm going to take a short break from the blog until I after graduate on June 28th! I think I will then have more time to dedicate to bringing you more frequent, relevant posts that you can use on this here journey of yours.

I fully expect you to keep up the good work! Feel free to reach out to me on social media if you need a little encouragement over the next 5 or so weeks.

One small shout out! (lol). As you know, I was participating in our FIT camp fitness challenge. Even though I didn't win, one of my good friends (and readers) CONGRATS CENTRELL JACKSON!! I'm super duper proud of you. Post your stats below if you are comfortable! I was able to lose 6 pounds and 1% of body fat in that 8 week period and I'm happy about that! Additionally, Rochelle (another reader and Florida fitness challenge participant) also lost A LOT of weight and inches. I can't remember the exact numbers, but Chelle feel free to comment below if you want to share your accomplishment! I am SUPER DUPER proud of you too! Keep up the GREAT work!

With that said...I'm signing off for a few weeks....we shall chat again soon :)

And as always....thanks for reading :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Me, Myself, and I

My subject sounds kind of selfish right? Well, it is. I wanted to take a minute and remind you that you are doing this FOR YOU! So much of our lives is spent doing for everyone else. And sometimes if we start to focus on ourselves, it's looked down upon or we're labeled as selfish.

Well....this health and wellness journey is a little selfish. It means focusing on you. Learning your idiosyncrasies, your likes and dislikes, your exercise limits, and your diet restrictions. No two people's journey is exactly the same. This is the reason why I always tell people that there is no "secret" to this process. For me, tracking calories and doing FIT camp has worked for me. I am fully aware that it may not work for you.

I say all of this to say, FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU! Yes, there are some foundational things that need to be in place to get you off the ground and running (like healthy eating habits and exercise), but finding that combo for you is important.

Don't be afraid to be a little what it takes to get to where you are trying to go.

For those who decided to participate in the fitness challenge...just a few more days and it will be over! I hope you've seen a significant change over the past 8 weeks. Email me and let know your final measurements. Keep up the momentum you've gained and keep going!


Thanks for reading :)

Friday, May 3, 2013


Hey there...I promised one of my faithful readers (Chelle) that I would write a little something about cravings and then I got busy....and a little lazy....I finally had a week off from school and I didn't feel like thinking (you ever have those days???)

Anywho...let's talk cravings. I mean we all have them. Some of us crave chocolate, some crave soda, chips, sweettarts, now and laters, caramel popcorn, chocolate covered pretzels (those last four are kinda personal lol)...but the point is that we ALL have cravings.

What is a craving? According to Merriam-Webster, a craving is an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing. Example of craving, "I had a sudden craving for french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant." Yeah, we've all been there.

But what do you do with your cravings when you're on this journey to health and wellness? Well, I will say this....CRAVINGS SUCK!!! I mean they just do. Sometimes they can be so overwhelming that it makes you feel a little OMG! I gotta have it right now. Ladies, ours can get really bad when Aunt Flo/Eve's Curse comes around (you KNOW what I'm talking about!!!! lol).

I ask again, what do you do with your cravings when you're on this journey to health and wellness? My answer is BE REALISTIC! Realize that your body is craving something that you've given it before. It's difficult to crave a french fry if a french fry has never touched your lips. First, have a little talk with know I talked before about getting your mind right??? Yeah, well it works. I've actually said to myself before, April, I know you WANT that entire pack of Now and Laters, but you're gonna eat this greek yogurt and be satisfied. After a little while, I noticed that the craving was gone.

Butttttttttt...if all else fails (lol)...don't kill yourself. Go to the store and buy the candy I sound crazy yet? Well here is my and wellness is a marathon, not a sprint. In my opinion, it takes more self-control to say, "I'm only going to eat half of this candy bar and give the other half away." The bigger challenge here is teaching your body that YOU are in like I said to Chelle, GIRL GO GET THE CANDY BAR! But start to train yourself to control what you choose to indulge in. Some folks try to deny the craving so much that when they do "give in" they go get 7 candy bars and eat them all and then feel like a failure. Don't do that to yourself folks!!! Tell yourself, SELF (lol), you're only getting five of these now and laters and the rest are going to be thrown away or given away....period...full stop! I make it sound simple, but take it one step at a time and I guarantee that you'll get better at it with time.

I want you to know that I appreciate readers...I mean if you didn't read this blog, I would just be writing to myself! LOL! Do me favor and comment sometimes...let me know you're out there...I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

And now for something completely different...

Hey there...

So today is the first time I've ever written a blog at 7 in the morning!!! Truth be told, I am NOT a morning person. I get up in just enough time to make my bed, shower, get dressed, untwist my hair and go to work. Remarkably, I can do all of that in about 40 mins if I'm rushing... Granted, I also like 7 mins from work LOL!!! (I love it!)

Anywho, we are about halfway through the fitness challenge and I really want to hit my goal. Well truthfully, I just want to see more results overall and I know that in order to do that, I gotta do something more. I currently do FIT camp 3 days a week (Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays) and I currently do NOTHING all of the other days lol. It's not intentional! Tuesdays I have praise team rehearsal, Wednesdays bible study, Fridays...........nothing (ha!), and Sunday is church and homework. My evening schedule is kinda set at this point so the only logical way to get in more exercise is to do something in the morning. **Please reference the first paragraph here** I LOATHE getting up's just so not ME!!!! lol.

But what happens when you decide to change YOU?? That's what I decided last week. I decided I wanted to add something additional into my routine. I want to do something different with a high expectation of the results. And so, I decided that I had to do something in the morning. It was the only way to fit anything additional into my schedule. I started looking for area boot camps that did morning sessions...kickboxing sessions...anything. Well I found a few but they were pretty pricey for what I was trying to do. I needed to find something other than just going to my apartment gym and running on the treadmill without costing me an arm and a leg. When I determined that my options were too much money or started too late in the morning, I reminded myself that jogging outside was FREE (HELLO SOMEBODY!!!!). So channeling my inner +Hope Reid, I got up this morning and headed out for a light jog.

I am by no means a runner folks...I actually don't really like it too much lol. But, I don't mind jogging outside. It was a good way to start my day. I did a little under a mile and a half in about 20 mins. It's exactly what I need to add some additional exercise to my routine.

My point is some point, you're going to have to step outside of your box and do something a little different to get results. If I, yes even I, can get up in the morning for a little run, SO CAN YOU (lol)!!

You can DO THIS!!!

Thanks for reading :)

SN: Rochelle, I haven't forgotten post >>>>>>>> CRAVINGS!!!! :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013


So I asked one my faithful readers to write a post based on her journey thus far....ENJOY!!!

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. – Albert Einstein

I hope everyone is losing pounds & inches with the fitness challenge. Recently, I hit a plateau and the scale stopped moving. The inches were coming off but the scale decided that it was not going to budge. If this is the case with you, then be not dismayed.
In any fitness regimen there comes a time when you hit a plateau. Hitting a plateau can make one think that they are just coasting or that their efforts are not enough. 
Avoiding a plateau/overcoming a plateau:
  1. Stop doing the same exercises each time you work out. Switch it up! If you keep doing the same exercises each time then your body will adapt.
  2. Increase your intensity. This is especially true for the strength training portion of any workout. A simple tip my trainer gave me was for the first set try the lowest you can lift and gradually increase it with each rep.
  3. REST! Give your body a chance to recover from your workout. Two days of rest can make a huge difference in any workout.
Never give up and don’t allow a lack of progress frustrate you. Any little changes keeps the body challenged.
Happy exercising!  You can do it!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Celebrate every little success...

Not a long post for you today, but just wanted to take a moment and encourage you. Sometimes it seems like this journey is so slow and tedious. I mean we live in a day where it's normal for everything to be done fast...the microwave and fast food society. But the journey to health and wellness is not a quick is a journey. It is filled with highs and lows, winding roads and sharp turns, detours and construction. But eventually, you'll be able to find a smooth path and it will be clear where you're going and how to get back on track if you lose your way.

So be encouraged today. Celebrate every little success. You lost .5 inches on your waist?? CELEBRATE. The scale read 1 pound less today?? CELEBRATE. You were able to walk in the bakery today and pick up your salad and none of the abundant cake, cookies, cupcakes, etc??? CELEBRATE (this happened to me today LOL)....

(this is officially one of my favorite sayings!)

You are DOING this :)

Thanks for reading :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Being your BIGGEST cheerleader!

Sometimes I used to wonder why a football or basketball team needed cheerleaders. Or why was it necessary to build these big venues for thousands of people to come to just to see someone run up and down the court or drive around in a huge circle in a fast car. The truth is, things seem to be a little easier when you have someone supporting you and cheering you on.

I've never been someone who could really play any type of sport...just not my forte lol. But I could ALWAYS cheer you on from the sideline. There's something about someone sitting on the side saying "GO YOU!!" that just motivates you to do more...

Then it comes to working out...and for different ball game! LOL...I LOATHE going to gym at the risk that someone may be watching me. I mean what is that??? I still to this day don't really like going to the gym, but that's another post for another day (hehehe).

When I hired my trainer and started going to FIT camp...I would always feel better when my trainer was there cheering me on...and he's pretty good at it too lol. But then the UNHEARD of happen....he decided to go on vacation. I mean how could he do that to me??!?!?!?! (ummm...dramatic much??) Anyways, he left some exercises for me to do and what not but when I stepped into that little gym at my apartment complex, I was like....ummm...who's gonna cheer me on to get through this workout??? I need some MOTIVATION folks!

It was in that moment that I learned a very valuable lesson. I had to be my OWN cheerleader! No relying on the encouragement of others to do what I needed to do. Now when I work out, I literally ZONE OUT and in my head I say "Come on got this" "Ok, 2 more rounds" "Faster April, Faster!!" I've  learned how to push overcome my own limitations. Because of this, I am now able to work out on my own and keep motivated for this journey.

You can do this (say it to yourself!!)

Thanks for reading!!